
An Apple Watch app that lets users file expenses under 10 seconds


In Summer 2015, as a Product Management Intern on Concur Mobile team, I worked on making expense filing effortless. Our solution enhances the capability of Concur platform, using context-aware wearable computing and automation, to simplify expense filing user flows.


🚫 Limited details shared due to sensitive nature of information, as per NDA



Team project with Concur Labs Team 


Product Ownership, Project Management, Full-stack Software Development, UX Design, Presentation


Product Manager (Ideation to Final Presentation)

Contributed to Ideation, UX Design, Product/Project Management and Presentation


June - Aug 2015 (8 weeks)


After a business trip, it’s difficult to recall the details of every meal. How many clients attended? Did you use a personal credit card, and, if so, which expenses were only for business?

Our research shows that submitting expense reports on time is the number one pain point of Travel & Expense (T&E) industry.



With ExpenseThis app, you simply tell your Apple Watch β€œExpense this.” and your expense is automatically sent to Concur in real-time.


We developed an Apple Watch app called ExpenseThis that utilized Yodlee API and Factual API to track and create expenses. Our node.js server enabled automated expense filing. I pitched the idea to the top executives at Concur and was selected as the "Best Intern, Summer 2015" for my work on this and AttendIt project.


Brainstorming for ideas/concepts/pain points

We were given a set of project directions such as Apple Watch, sharing and NFC. We started by brainstorming for ideas and pain points in the ecosystem to prepare a list of projects. Affinity diagrams were used during the process.

Data about key pain points and their impact in T&E industry

Data about key pain points and their impact in T&E industry

Next, I did market research to gather data for validating each project concept. I worked with key stakeholders and managers to gather requirements.

This shaped my understanding of T&E personas (not shared here), use cases and various scenarios.

I created user flows to reflect upon user stories proposed.

User Story Proposal Document


(recreated) User Flow Shorthand of MVP


Research. Develop. Validate. Repeat.


We prototyped MVP because this is a new concept and required fresh thinking. We reiterated in 2 week sprints and validated our weekly hypotheses to prove an unmet need. Final system architecture is not shared here but I would be happy to walk you through our final solution from a technical standpoint.


10 Heuristic principles

I used Jakob Nielsen's 10 heuristic principles to evaluate the MVP, prepared test cases (golden path + edge cases) to reveal gaps in the prototype and presented it to our managers for feedback. Eventually, I made a pitch with go-to-market strategy and business plans to higher executives at Concur.


this is what executives had to say:

β€œTap - Speak - Done. I love it!
— Elena Donio, President, Concur
β€œYou should stay back to ship this”
— Jerame Thurik, CMO, Concur

Secret sauce: Location from Apple Watch is mapped onto the last transaction on your credit card with a timestamp; an expense is created and sent to Concur as soon as the transaction record is found.



A large amount of my work involved validating ideas and modifying roadmaps using data from internal analytics, data science teams and through market research. During my first 8 weeks of internship, I managed development teams of both ExpenseThis and AttendIt involving 5 developers and 2 designers.

I used data from sources present in the ecosystem in order to make informed decisions while defining a product roadmap. Power of LEAN Startup mentality and Agile methodology were the key takeaways from this experience.